خانه / انگلیسی / لغات اضافه ی درس 1

لغات اضافه ی درس 1

لغات اضافه ی درس 1

affluent adj having a lot of money

architecture n [ U] the design and style of buildings

border n [C] the line that separates two countries or states

building n [C] a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house, school, etc.

capital n [C] the most important city in a country or state, where the government is based

coast n [C/U] the land beside the sea

community n [C] the people living in a particular area

council n [C] the group of people elected to govern a particular area, town or city, and organise services for it

the countryside n [U] land that is not in towns or cities and has farms, fields, forests, etc.

explore v [I/T] to go around a place where you have never been in order to find out what is there

farming n [U] working on a farm or organising the work there

housing estate n [C] an area with a large number of houses that were built at the same time

immigrant n [C] someone who comes to live in a different country

inner city n [C] the part of a city that is closest to the centre, often where buildings are in a bad condition and there are social problems

middle class n [C] a social group that consists of welleducated people, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers, who have good jobs and are neither very rich nor very poor

neighbourhood n [C] an area of a town or city that people live in

the outskirts pln [U] the outer area of a city, town or village

province n [C] one of the large areas which some countries are divided into because of the type of government they have

rent v [ T] to pay money to use something for a short time

resident n [ C] someone who lives in a particular place

rough (of neighbourhood) adj dangerous or violent

run-down adj Run-down buildings or areas are in very bad condition.

safe adj not dangerous or not likely to cause harm

the seaside n [U] the area near the sea, especially where people spend their holidays and enjoy themselves suburb n [C] an area where people live outside the centre of a city

surroundings pln the place where someone or something is and the things that are in it

trendy adj fashionable at the moment

woodland n [ C/U] an area of land with a lot of trees

working class n [C] the social class of people who have little money and who usually do physical work



Abbreviations: n/np = noun / noun phrase;

v/vp = verb / verb phrase;

adj/adjp = adjective / adjective phrase;

adv/advp = adverb / adverb phrase;

pv = phrasal verb;

T/I = transitive / intransitive;

C/U = countable / uncountable

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