خانه / انگلیسی / لغات درس 1

لغات درس 1

لیست لغات درس 1:

Word lists

Unit 1

‘access n [U] (11) when you have the right or opportunity to use or see something

con’clude v [I] (9) to decide something after studying all the information about it very carefully

con’duct re’search vp (9) to study a subject to find information about it

con’sume v [T] (11) to use something such as a product, energy or fuel

crime rate n [C] (8) the amount of crime that happens in a place or during a period of time

‘culture n [C, U] (9) the habits, traditions and beliefs of a country, society or group of people

di’verse adj (11) including many different types

en’vironment n [C] (9) the situation that you live or work in, and how it influences how you feel

‘feature n [C] (16) a quality or important part of something

grow up (11) vp to become older or an adult

have ‘access to ‘something vp (11) to have the right or opportunity to have, use or see something

ig’nore v [T] (9) to pay no attention to something or someone

‘impact n (11) the effect that a person, event or situation has on someone or something

‘income n [C, U] (11) money that you earn by working, investing or producing goods in’dustrial adj (12) with a lot of factories

‘influence v [T] (14) to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves or thinks

‘landscape n [C] (11) the appearance of an area of land, especially in the countryside

‘lifestyle n [C] (8) the way that you live

‘local n [C] (9) someone who lives in the area you are talking about

‘measurement n [C, U] (11) a way of measuring something

nu’trition n [U] (11) the food that you eat and the way that it affects your health

‘outcome n [C] (11) the final result of an activity or process

rank v [T] (11) to give someone or something a position in a list which shows them in order of importance or quality

re’action n [C, U] (9) something you say, feel or do because of something that has happened

repu’tation n [C] (9) the opinion that people have about someone or something based on their behaviour or character in the past

re’sources n plural (11) things that a country, person or organisation has which they can use

short of adjp (9) If you are short of something, you do not have enough of it.

‘status n [U] (11) the position that you have in relation to other people because of your job or social position su’rround v [T] (11) to be or go everywhere around something or someone

tend to be vp (9) to often be in a particular state

way of life np (9) the manner in which a person lives

اختصارات Abbreviations:

n/np = noun / noun phrase; اسم- عبارت اسمی

v/vp = verb / verb phrase; فعل- عبارت فعلی

adj/adjp = adjective / adjective phrase; صفت

adv/advp = adverb / adverb phrase;قید- عبارت قیدی

pv = phrasal verb; فعل مرکب

T/I = transitive / intransitive;  گذرا ناگذر

C/U = countable / uncountable قابل شمارش/ غیر قابل شمارش

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Complete IELTS Bands 4–5    Cambridge University Press 2012


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